Table 14. Checklist of necessary information for conducting and reporting environmental microplastics research, adapted from Cowger et al. (2020). * indicates compulsory items to be reported.

Reported (✓) Action Item Define the action or information determined by you and your research team (some examples provided)
General considerations
  * Has the research question been defined i.e., Type of microplastics in sea surface waters in the Great Australian Bight
  * Which field manual will you follow? i.e., Water
  Are there any existing standard protocols suitable to investigate your research question? i.e., AIMS Australia, CSIRO Australia 
Selection of a sampling design
  Sampling effort required (e.g., power analysis) i.e., Power analysis completed indicated we needed a minimum of 3 replicates
  * Location i.e., Nuyts Archipelago, Great Australian Bight 
  * Number of samples to collect per location i.e., Five
  * Number of replicates i.e., Three (therefore, n = 3, N = 15)
  Is my sampling design representative of the habitat/compartment that I wish to answer a research question about? i.e., Yes 
  Randomised sampling? i.e., Yes
Materials & Equipment used
  Devices/equipment & manufacturers i.e., Rosette sampler niskin bottles
  Software i.e., N/A
  How were the devices and software calibrated i.e., N/A
Quality Assurance & Quality Control
  Defined controls and replication (e.g., field blanks, procedural blanks, airborne contamination control, positive controls, recovery tests) i.e., Field blanks – 5 per site, Procedural blanks – every 10 samples
  Defined and clear limit of detection (e.g., microplastic size constraints) i.e., Detection limit 20 mm
  * Actions taken for contamination mitigation i.e., For field procedures cotton clothing was worn by operators and niskin bottles were rinsed with ultrapure water between sample collection. For laboratory procedures a laminar hood was used, and 100% cotton lab coats, with leather boots worn in the laboratory. Reported in report
  Control correction procedure/s on the environmental data i.e., N/A
  Laboratory and equipment cleaning procedures i.e., Clean room. All labware were washed with ultrapure water and dried in laminar flow
  Reagent purification methods i.e., All reagents were filtered with 0.45 mm filter paper
Field Sampling
  * Record of field location (including GPS coordinates), sampling date, and time i.e., Yes GPS for sites recorded in excel spreadsheet with dates and time
  Records of additional environmental conditions where applicable (e.g., air temperature, wind, tides, water temperature, pH, and salinity) i.e., Yes see GPS spreadsheet for recorded water and air temperature and wind
  Surface area or volume of sample collected from environmental matrices, with appropriate units i.e., 10 L per bottle 
  * Composition of the sample i.e., Water
  Description of sampling equipment and relevant dimensions used to collect the samples, and any cleaning procedures between sample collection i.e., CTD rosette sampler brand x. Niskin bottles were rinsed with ultrapure water between sample collection 
  * Depth and/or position the sample was collected from i.e., 10 m below surface, >1 km from shore
  * Description of other sampling methodologies (e.g., vessel speed when towing a net, direction of travel, speed and direction of current, amount of water filtered) i.e., vessel speed 0 knots, wind 10 knots SW,  
  Storage of samples from the field to the laboratory i.e., samples stored in cold, dark store room 
Laboratory Processing
  Specification of reagents i.e., per analysis grade
  Specification on the laboratory equipment used and all relevant details i.e., Leica M80 stereo microscope, Whatman glass fibre filters
Process for separation of microplastics from environmental matrices
  * Sieving i.e., Not required
  Visual Separation i.e., Microscope
  * Density Separation (e.g., solution composition, concentration, volume per sample) i.e., Not required
  * Chemical Digestion (e.g., chemicals used, duration of digestion, temperature, hear source, voume per sample, caveats of digestion method)
i.e., Not required
  Filtration information i.e., Filtered materials through 0.45 mm glass fibre filter
Microplastic Categorisation & Identification for Large & Small Microplastics
  Determine method for quantification, refer to Table 10 under “Microplastic Quantification i.e., Manual counting
  * Record of relevant information for quantification type i.e., Visual identification: limit of detection was 20 mm
Physical Characterisation
  Type (refer to “Physical Characterisation, Type table” within this manual) i.e., Yes, see results spreadsheet
  Colour  i.e., Yes, see results spreadsheet
  Size (refer to “Physical Characterisation, Size table” within this manual), where possible a more accurate information on individual particle sizes/volumes i.e., Yes, see results spreadsheet
Chemical Characterisation
  Determination of polymer type (refer to “Chemical Characterisation” within this manual) i.e., Yes, FTIR model x used, see results spreadsheet
  * Record of relevant information for determining polymer type (e.g., size limits, pre-processing steps, acquisition parameters, spectral matching software/techniques/or methodology) i.e., micro-FTIR manual sample loading, Bruker library x, spectral range set between 3,900 and 650 cm-1 with 2,500 and 1,900 cm-1 excluded
  Percentage of total microplastic samples tested i.e., 50%
Data Management
  Units and size dimensions reported, must be comparable i.e., Yes units per sample, weight and raw data were included in the report
  Where possible, inclusion of average values with reports for variability (only possible with replication) i.e., Yes mean and standard error reported
  Data submitted to an open access portal (e.g., AODN, Marine Plastics Portal)  i.e., Yes data submitted to AODN
  Raw data of counts to be included in the Supplementary Information or uploaded to suitable site (e.g. figshare). Aim to meet FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data. i.e., Yes raw data included 
Reporting Results
  * The load (e.g. microplastic concentrations estimated, post inclusion of control data).  i.e., Yes microplastic load per litre reported. 
  * The lower limit of size category i.e., Only plastics >20 µm were recorded
  The physical characteristics (e.g. type, colour, sizes) i.e., Yes – type, size and colour is reported
  The chemical characteristics (presence and proportions of the different polymer types) i.e., Yes – polymer type for 50% of samples tested reported
  Contextual information and metadata (such as environmental data) i.e., Yes included in the Materials and Methods section and supplementary information
Other considerations
  Can the results be published in an Open Access Journal? i.e., Yes